Swerte, Sana All

Unpopular Opinion: Telling people that they're lucky in business is actually an insult. It invalidates years of hard-work, failure, experience, and learning. You don't tell professionals "You're lucky you graduated", "You're lucky you passed the boards", "You're lucky you got the job", "You're lucky you got promoted". Luck is getting something that you didn't work hard for. My Personal Shizzz: My first experience in sales was when I was 11 y/o. I sold my barbie bags at school 'coz I need extra baon. At 13 y/o, while I'm on my summer break I worked as a saleslady at our local market with 2,000 pesos per month salary. On my 2nd yr in HS I sold Swarovski accessories which I crafted and designed myself. On my 2nd yr in UST-Nursing , I sold Chocovron goodies at canteens in UST and schools nearby. On my 1st yr in CEU-Pharmacy , I sold health and beauty products. After college I put up businesses that unfortunatel...